Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad, UNAM
Aleida Rueda
Aleida Rueda is a Mexican science journalist with 18 years of experience as a science writer, both in English and Spanish, on science, health, environment and climate change in developing countries, with a special focus on Latin America. For eight years, she was the Communications Coordinator at the Institute of Physics, and since 2020 she has been working as a science communicator at the Centre for Complexity Sciences (C3) - both affiliated to the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Aleida writes news and produces multimedia content for SciDev.Net Latin America and Salud con Lupa (Peru); she is also a columnist for Pie de Página (Mexico) and Fundacion Gabo (Colombia). She is also the co-founder and former president of the Mexican Network of Science Journalists (RedMPC). Aleida has a degree in journalism from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and a Master's Degree in journalism for news agencies from the University Rey Juan Carlos (Spain), which included an internship at the newsroom of the EFE news agency in Cairo, Egypt. She also completed a diploma in journalism for developing countries from the Indian Institute of Mass Communication in New Delhi.