Aldo Steinfeld

Aldo Steinfeld

Aldo Steinfeld (PhD University of Minnesota, 1989) is Full Professor of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich, where he holds the Chair of Renewable Energy Carriers. From 2004-​2014 he directed the Solar Technology Laboratory at the Paul Scherrer Institute. At ETH, he served as the Head of the Institute of Energy Technology (2005-​2007) and Associate Head of Research of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (2007-​2009). He was member of the Board of Directors of the International Solar Energy Society (2015-​2019). His contributions to science and education have been recognized with the ASME Rice Award (2006), the Yellott Award (2008), the European Research Council Advanced Grant (2012), the ISES Farrington Daniels Award (2013), the Heat Transfer Memorial Award (2013), and the ASME Kreith Energy Award (2016). Two spin-​offs emerged from his research: Climeworks commercializes the technology for CO2 capture from air, and Synhelion commercializes the technology for solar fuel production. Prof. Steinfeld is member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences.