Luma Makari, co-founder of Elgorithm, explains why mental health is important for a healthy lifestyle and how Elgorithm is trying to find solutions to integrate mental health into our education system. Elgorithm is a Beirut-based non-profit organization providing schools across Lebanon & the MENA region with access to digital mental health programs. The organization’s social mission is to provide equal access to mental health care for youth by integrating mental health literacy, tools, and pathways to care. Its work aims to produce sustainable system-level change through national and regional policy and strategy advocacy work. Elgorithm’s solution is to integrate mental health literacy into schools, so that youth are equipped with a foundation of knowledge, skills, and practices to navigate their mental health. We do this through implementing our programs in schools that provide students with a combination of inner tools like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, as well as social and emotional learning principles (SEL) The programs rely upon evidence-based practices that are digitally based, to ensure the ease of scalability and execution of its impact-driven mission.

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