Matthias Tschöp: Breaking the Wall of Obesity – Falling Walls Science Summit 2023

Overweight individuals face an increased risk of developing various diseases, with diabetes being a prominent concern. Diabetes, both Type 1 and Type 2, can lead to serious complications such as heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, and nerve damage. Obesity exacerbates the body’s insulin resistance, making it challenging for cells to properly regulate blood sugar levels, leading to diabetes.

Matthias Tschöp, CEO of Helmholtz Munich and VP of the Helmholtz Association, is renowned for unraveling fundamental gut-brain signals, leading to the development of highly effective drugs for human obesity.

At Falling Walls, Tschöp will share his significant strides in diabetes research, notably discovering the hunger hormone ghrelin in 2000 and, in collaboration with chemist Richard DiMarchi, pioneering a new class of intestinal hormone drugs called polyagonists.

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