Sayed Azam-Ali

Crops For the Future

Sayed Azam-Ali

  • 2017
  • Speaker

Sayed Azam-Ali is the Chief Executive Officer of Crops For the Future - the world’s first centre dedicated to research on underutilised crops for food and non-food uses. The essential problem tackled by Sayed is that, currently, only four major crops provide over 60 percent of the world’s food. This extreme lack of diversity in agriculture carries severe risks for global food supply, especially for a rising global population in a hotter, more volatile world. To alleviate these risks, Sayed aims to unravel the potential of currently underutilised crops to diversify the global food basket with nutritious crops in the face of climate change. Sayed also holds the Chair in Global Food Security at the University of Nottingham and is Chair of the Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture (AIRCA), a nine-member alliance focussed on increasing global food security by supporting smallholder agriculture within healthy sustainable and climate-smart landscapes.