- 2017
- Jury
- Venture
Michael Nettersheim joined BASF Venture Capital in August 2011. Prior to joining BASF, he served as a Senior Investment Manager at Europe’s largest seed fund High-Tech Gründerfonds (Germany). Until 2008, he held the position as a Director of Corporate Finance and Investor Relations at MediGene AG, a publicly listed biotech company in Germany. Currently, Michael Nettersheim is a Member of the Board of Directors at Advanced Bio Nutrition Corp. (USA), Renmatix Inc. (USA) and SLIPS Technologies Inc. (USA). In the past, he served on the Boards of NanoH2O Inc. (USA) and DataLase Ltd. (UK). He studied Chemistry and was awarded a doctorate in Biochemistry from the University of Bonn. In addition, he earned an MBA from the Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA Program. Michael Nettersheim is also a Certified Biotech Analyst for the German Association of Financial Analysis and Asset Management (DVFA).