Manfred Prenzel

Technische Universität München

Manfred Prenzel

  • 2010
  • Speaker

Manfred Prenzel is University Professor and Dean of the TUM School of Education, Technische Universität München. Additionally, he is National Project Manager for the OECD-Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA 2003, 2006 and 2012) in Germany (funded by the Federal Ministries of Education). “Educating the Educators” is for Manfred Prenzel the bedrock to maintain the competence of our knowledge society. In this vain, Prenzel explores the importance of motivation, value orientations and social competencies to support the teachers’ professional development. Prenzel’s contributions are rooted in years of experience as both an education manager and a researcher. He strives at getting a reliable picture of the strengths and weaknesses of educational systems and identifying levers for improving teaching and learning especially in schools.