Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin // BesserWissen e.V.
Luiza Bengtsson
Public Engagement and Knowledge Exchange / CEO BesserWissen e.V. Und Affiliation zu: Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin // BesserWissen e.V. // Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society Dr. Luiza Bengtsson, PhD in Biochemistry in 2002, studied & researched chemistry and humanities in Sweden, Germany and USA. In 2011, she went from life sciences research uncovering communication channels in cells to creating new channels for dialog between science and society. She now organizes science popularization events, trains high school teachers in science and researchers in Open Science and produces art-science and citizen science collaborations as well as the ORION Open Science podcast.