Ed Gerstner

Springer Nature

Ed Gerstner

Ed Gerstner is the Director of Journal Policy & Strategy at Springer Nature. He is responsible for the development and implementation of policy and strategy across the entire Springer Nature journal portfolio. He is also the chair of Springer Nature's Grand Challenges Steering Group, whose task is to coordinate and enhance the company's support of research and researchers who are seeking solutions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  He has a PhD in Physics from the University of Sydney and several years’ postdoctoral research experience at the universities of Cambridge, Sydney, and Surrey. He has been an editor with Nature Research for over sixteen years, with stints at Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Physics, and Nature Communications. In 2012, he helped found Nature's first mainland China office in Shanghai where he built a team of editors from across the Nature family to live and work in China. During his subsequent 6 years in China, he travelled across Asia to learn everything he could about the research going on in the region, teaching scientists how to improve the impact of their research through greater openness and transparency, and helping to publish their research in the world's best journals. He’s spoken at close to one hundred universities and research institutes around the world — including two-thirds of the provinces of mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and Malaysia — to a cumulative audience of over ten thousand researchers. In his current role, he’s working to develop new ways to help researchers in sustainability and related fields of research to better communicate with each other, policymakers, and the public. He’s responsible for driving the development of editorial and publishing policies that ensure that the scholarship that Springer Nature publishes meets the highest levels of ethics, rigour and integrity.