Presented by Julian Ferreras Café Científico Posadas (Posadas Science Cafe) is an initiative that started in 2013 in Posadas, Argentina, by a group of scientists and students from the local university, and it is running since then. Along the years, its primary goal was to generate a space where science and society can meet and talk. Throughout the years, our science cafe became a platform for collective knowledge construction, where individuals and institutions can interact in innovative ways. This platform became a reality through the recent legal recognition of the NGO Mentes en Red (Minds´ Network). This NGO will allow us to efficiently manage other activities derived from this experience, like taking the science café to schools, TV shows, or planning like citizen science projects. More information about Julian Ferreras, Coordinator, FCEQyN, National University of Misiones-CONICET Julian Ferreras obtained a bachelor’s degree in Genetics from the National University of Misiones (UNaM), Argentina, and a PhD in Molecular Biology by the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain.After working several years at the Microbiology and Immunology Department of Cornell University in New York, he returned to Argentina in 2011 as a scientist of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) at UNaM. Currently, he is Director of the Subtropical Biology Institute (CONICET-UNaM), and Professor at Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales (UNaM).In 2013, he initiated the Posadas Science Café with a group of scientists and students and coordinates this initiative since then.