RWTH Aachen University

Sebastian Staacks

2022 Science Engagement (Falling Walls Engage)

Sebastian Staacks is a physicist affiliated to RWTH Aachen University; the developer of phyphox; a father of two; and a drummer, coder, and maker.

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Germany (Aachen)

Phyphox is a free and open source app for Android and iOS that gives access to the phone’s internal sensors (accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope etc.) to use them in physics experiment for STEM education. It offers features like data analysis, interactive graphs and a web interface for remote control. Its experiment configuration are based on an open file format, allowing users to create their own configurations with individual data sources, analysis and visualizations. It also offers a network and Bluetooth interface to access additional data sources. The Bluetooth interface can also be used with an Arduino or MicroPython library to incorporate DIY microcontroller sensors.

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