Canticum Megapterae


Canticum Megapterae

2021 Winner Project | Engage 2021 Engage Winners

‘Canticum Megapterae’ is a collaborative electronic music album inspired by the beauty and structure of humpback whale songs, and aiming at raising awareness of other intelligent species. By combining science and art, the project’s purpose is to break the walls between different disciplines, and between human and animal cultures. The second opus, in preparation, will draw upon Sara Niksic’s new research findings on the communication and culture of humpback whales.

Sara Niksic

Canticum Megapterae – Song of the Humpback Whale

Sara Niksic works at ARTScience in MedILS (Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences) in Croatia. Previously, she studied the evolution of humpback whale song at the Sea Mammal Research Unit, at the University of St Andrews. For over a decade she has been developing innovative approaches to science engagement, with art as her main tool. Lately, she has been focusing on music for communicating her bioacoustics research and engaging artists from all over the world. Sara is the founder of Inner Child, an interdisciplinary project that connects the worlds of science, art and music.

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