
Mesh is an online network for people working in community engagement with global health research. We are a collaborative, open access knowledge hub where community engagement practitioners, researchers, health workers and others can network, share resources and discuss good practice.




Oxford, United Kingdom

Type of Organisation


Focus Area / Approach

Community Engagement

Impact Towards SDGs

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Main Target Group

Science Engagement Practitioners

Active Since



What This Organisation Can Offer

We run workshops and events, curate theme areas on key topics in engagement, showcase innovative projects and share news from the field.

What This Organisation Is Looking for

We are always looking for new users and members, as well as innovative engagement projects to share with our professional community.

Contact Person

Mesh Community Engagement Network
2022 Science Engagement (Falling Walls Engage)

Helen is an independent Community and Public Engagement Consultant based in the UK. Since 2019 she has been managing Mesh (, The Global Health Networks knowledge hub for people working in community engagement with global health research. Previously Helen worked at the Wellcome Trust for 8 years and led their International Engagement Programme supporting researchers, engagement practitioners, creatives and others across Africa and Asia. She has a background in psychology, clinical trial coordination, research funding and science communication.

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