
The 10+10+30 radio program is a serial radio drama on childhood vaccination designed with and for communities in Jimma. The program is moderated by healthcare workers who are trained as radio panelists and invited to answer the audience’s questions during 30 minutes. Each 10-minute episode is developed with key audiences through workshops, with a special focus on mothers with infants. According to the data gathered, the 10+10+30 radio program resulted in a higher vaccination rate in the districts of the city where it was aired.




Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia

Type of Organisation

Falling Walls Engage Project

Focus Area / Approach

Media, Film & VR

Impact Towards SDGs

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Main Target Group

Women & Girls

Project Lead

10+10+30 radio project to promote childhood vaccination

10+10+30 radio project to promote childhood vaccination

Yisalemush Asefa

2021 Winner | Science Engagement 2021 2021 Winner Winner Science Engagement (Falling Walls Engage)

Yisalemush worked as a clinical nurse, health officer and technical head of health center for several years before becoming a public health professional. Currently she is working in Jimma University Health Policy and Management Department as a Health Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, with an academic rank of Assistant Professor. She has experience in engaging with mothers, actors, health extension workers to design, implement and monitor engagement interventions for the public.

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