Jury Chair

University of Barcelona

Genoveva Marti

  • 2024
  • Jury
  • Social Sciences & Humanities
  • 2023
  • Jury
  • Social Sciences & Humanities

Genoveva Martí, Jury Chair 2024, Social Sciences & Humanities

Genoveva Martí obtained her PhD at Stanford University in 1989. Before moving to Barcelona, she was Reader at the London School of Economics. Since 2002 she is ICREA Research Professor at the University of Barcelona. Elected to the Academia Europaea in 2009, she was the first Academic Director of the Barcelona Knowledge Hub. She has also been vice-President of the Academia Europaea. Martí is a philosopher, primarily interested in the exploration of reference, the relation between words and pieces of the world that makes it possible to talk about things, an area of research connected to Cognitive Science, Linguistics, and Psychology.