Portrait of Catherine Ngila

African Foundation for Women & Youth in Education & STI

Catherine Ngila

  • 2024
  • Jury
  • Engineering & Technology

Prof. Ngila is the Executive Director of the African Foundation for Women and Youth in Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (ESTI). A member of UN 10-Member Group for technology facilitation mechanism on STI for SDGs. A Vice President of International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development (IOCD). Former Acting Executive Director of The African Academy of Sciences; Deputy Vice Chancellor of Riara University for Academic Affairs; Deputy Director of the Institute of Oil and Gas; Head of Applied Chemistry, University of Johannesburg; Lecturer University of KwaZulu Natal, University of Botswana; and Kenyatta University. Fellow of TWAS. AAS, ASSAf. Laureate of 2021 L'Oréal-UNESCO FWIS Awards; 2017 AU Women Scientific Awards; 2016 South Africa Women in Science Awards. A Visiting Professor of Analytical- Environmental Chemistry, University of Johannesburg.