Sofia  Pazzagli

Sofia Pazzagli

Sofia Pazzagli received her PhD in Physics in 2018 at the University of Florence in Italy. Since 2019, she is a researcher at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, where she set up an optical lab for integrated quantum nanophotonics using organic molecules. Her ambition is to make future photonic technologies economically and environmentally sustainable. She is developing a strong interest in entrepreneurship, and in 2022 her team was awarded the 1st prize in the category “Digital & Technologies” in the “Research to Market Challenge,” a competition organized by the Berlin University Alliance. Sofia is a proud member of the network of Women in Natural Science (WiNS) and since 2021 she co-organizes events for students and early-stage career researchers, such as the Berlin PostDoc Day and the Friday Light Talks.