Sebastian Klembt

University of Würzburg

Sebastian Klembt

Sebastian Klembt was born in 1983 in Kiel, Germany. Raised in Bremen with strong interest for nature, music, cycling and all things around. In Bremen I began studying physics and philosophy before I moved to Switzerland to finish my physics diploma at ETH Zürich. I obtained a PhD with highest honors from Bremen University, fabricating and studying semiconductor lasers emitting blue light. After that I joined Institut Néel in Grenoble, France for a postdoc in advances semiconductor spectroscopy, with a little bit of hiking and skiing on the side. I joined the Chair for Applied Physics in Würzburg as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow and group leader working in the field of topological photonics. In 2020 I was appointed assistant professor at the University of Würzburg within the cluster of excellence ct.qmat. Married and proud father of two.