Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus

Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus

  • 2021
  • Jury
  • Physical Sciences

Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus is a Senior Professor of Physical Chemistry at Bielefeld University, Germany. She was trained as a chemist with a doctoral thesis in atmospheric chemistry and performed her habilitation in engineering. Research periods, guest and honorary professorships brought her to institutions in Europe, the USA and Asia. Her research combines aspects of chemistry, physics and engineering to study high-temperature processes. Kohse-Höinghaus has been honored with prestigious awards and lectureships, including the German Cross of the Order of Merit, the Giulio Natta Medal in Chemical Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano and awards for international scientific cooperation issued by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the People’s Republic of China. She is a Fellow of the international Combustion Institute and received its Alfred C. Egerton Gold Medal in 2018. The German Bunsen Society of Physical Chemistry honored her with its Walther Nernst Medal in 2020. She is a member of five academies, including the National Academies of Sciences, Leopoldina, and of Engineering, acatech, as well as the European Academy of Sciences. She has served as the President of the Bunsen Society and of the Combustion Institute. Also, she has been a member of the German Council of Sciences and the Humanities, the International Advisory Board of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Senates of the German Research Foundation and the Helmholtz Association and served in further academic functions. She is also a pioneer of hands-on science activities for schools.