Algal  Bio

Algal Bio

July 29th is our Earth Overshoot Day for 2021. This is the date when humanity is expected to exhaust our nature's budget for the rest of the year. In order to overcome these challenges and pass on a healthy environment to the future generation, it is of our urgent need to shift from a "linear/consumption" society to a "circular/symbiotic" society. We firmly believe that algae is one of the means to solve this global crisis. Algae can be applied in most of the industries from food to energy by optimizing technical package of strains and cultivation conditions. By creating a technology platform as an "algae platformer" through joint research and development with companies, we strive to create a better future. Algal Bio's vision is "To Become the Global Leader in Clean Technology" by achieving our purpose "Cultivating Algae's Potential, for a Better Future".