AC Coppens

AC Coppens

As founder of THE CATALYSTS AC boosts the development of innovative players and thought leaders in the creative industries at the intersection of innovative technologies and creative content. Having developed an extensive network of successful clients and project partners in AI, Blockchain, Neuroscience and Digital Media, to Film, VR/AR/MR, Design and Immersive Sound, AC’s cross-sector know-how is the founding of an unique way to moderate events dealing with the future of entertainment across technology, scientific research, academic discourse and broader cultural and societal shifts.

AC also regularly mentors audiovisual/immersive storytelling project teams with a focus on audience building for creative hubs such as the Tribeca Film Institute in New York, Creative Media Europe, DOK Leipzig, The HIVE at The Camp in Marseille, story:first digital storytelling lab and Web First: Webseries Lab in Munich or EAVE+ in Luxembourg.

Based in Berlin, AC is also active in New York, LA, Zurich and Marseille.