Hansjörg Dittus

Hansjörg Dittus

Executive Board Member for space research and technology Professor Dr Hansjörg Dittus is a renowned expert in the fields of gravitation and fundamental physics. As the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) Executive Board Member for space research and technology, Professor Dittus plays a central role in planning and overseeing the implementation of the DLR space research program at the national, European and international level. He extensively promotes cooperative activities with Australian universities and institutions and was – before joining the DLR Executive Board – the director of the DLR Institute of Space Systems in Bremen, which analyses and evaluates complex space systems from a technical, economic and socio-political standpoint. Prior to joining DLR, Professor Dittus was appointed professor in the faculty of manufacturing and mechanical engineering at the University of Bremen, and served as head of space technology and fundamental physics at the Centre of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity in Bremen.