Marcus Lindner

Marcus Lindner

Dr. Marcus Lindner is Principal Scientist in the Resilience Programme at the European Forest Institute. He has over 25 years of experience in research on climate change impacts and the development of response strategies in forest management, forest sector sustainability assessment and biomass resource assessments from European forests. Dr. Lindner has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles, many of them highly cited (H- Index Scopus: 35). He recently coordinated the Forest Europe Expert Group on Adaptation to Climate Change, led the European Innovation Partnership Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-Agri) Focus Group 24 on Forest Practices and Climate Change and is a current member of the Scientific Advisory Board on Forest Policy of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Dr. Lindner has extensive experience of working at the science-policy-practice interface and was involved in several policy support studies for the European Commission, most recently in the Evaluation study of the forestry measures under Rural Development and the Evaluation of the Forestry Strategy.