Portrait of Carlos Garcia de Leaniz
© Carlos Garcia de Leaniz

Swansea University

Carlos Garcia de Leaniz

  • 2023
  • Participant

Prof. Garcia de Leaniz is Chair in Aquatic BioSciences at Swansea University (UK) and Chairman of The Blue Rivers Foundation. He was born in Madrid but received his BSc at U. of Victoria (Canada), and a PhD at U. of Aberdeen (UK), followed by post-doctoral research at U. of Glasgow and the Institute of Zoology (London). His main research expertise is on fish conservation and river restoration. Much of his research is highly applied and is serving to inform policy. He led AMBER, the Horizon 2020 project that produced the first pan-European Atlas of river barriers and drew attention to the real extent of river fragmentation, showing that for every barrier on record there was at least one missing. He is currently researching practical ways to assess the benefits of dam removal and restore river connectivity more efficiently. 

Carlos Garcia de Leaniz was a Falling Walls Winner in the Science & Innovation Management category in 2023.