Birgit Beck

Birgit Beck

Assistant Professor for Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Birgit Beck is Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessorin) and Head of Department for Ethics and Philosophy of Technology at TU Berlin, Institute of History and Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Literature. Her current research interests include ethical and societal impli-cations of (bio-)technological innovations. Her recent publications include Technology, An-thropology, and Dimensions of Responsibility. Techno:Phil – Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Technikphilosophie, Vol. 1, ed. by B. Beck, B. Gransche, J.-H. Heinrichs, J. Loh, Stutt-gart: J.B. Metzler, 2020, co-edited with Michael Kühler; Kursbuch Bioethik. Berlin: TU Universitätsverlag, 2019, co-edited with Jens Kurreck; Essen und Verantwortung. Der kom-plizierte Ausgang des Konsumenten aus der gastrosophischen Unmündigkeit. Philosophische Hefte, Vol. 5, ed. by Axel Gelfert, Thomas Gil, Berlin: Logos, 2018.