Heribert Hofer

Heribert Hofer

Director Prof. Heribert Hofer is the director of the Leibniz-IZW. A behavioural ecologist by training, with undergraduate studies in biology and philosophy at University of Saarland and a DPhil in zoology from Oxford University (UK), his research focuses on the behavioural ecology and conservation of mammals, particularly carnivores, the evolutionary epidemiology of wildlife pathogens, stress and animal welfare, illegal hunting and resolving conservation conflicts by stakeholder-led participation. He initiated and led long-term research projects in Tansania (spotted hyena, African wild dog) and Namibia (cheetah) and lived for 12 years as a scientist in the Serengeti in East Africa. He supports the development of an evidence-based, integrated conservation approach and of gender equality in science and conservation. He is a Conservation Fellow of the Zoological Society London and a member of the Board of Trustees of WWF Germany.