Christa Müller

Christa Müller

Dramaturge and actress Christa Müller, born 1946 in Kaiserslautern (Germany), studied History of Dramatics, German and English literature at the University of Munich, took personal drama lessons. She worked as a dramaturge and actress at the theatres in Landshut, Kaiserslautern and Konstanz. 1993-2000 she was director of artistic production at Staatsschauspiel Hannover, 2000-2009 at Thalia Theater Hamburg. 2009-2018, at Deutsches Theater Berlin, she managed and curated the Berlin Autorentheatertage, a festival of new German drama. Since her retirement in 2018 she strengthened her interest in the translation of plays. In 2019, together with director France-Elena Damian and actress Anna von Schrottenberg, she founded Stückewerkstatt Berlin.