Inez Weidinger

Inez Weidinger

Professor Inez Weidinger studied physics in Mainz, Glasgow and Berlin. In 2003 she received her PhD in Physical Chemistry at FU Berlin and joined later Peter Hildebrandt's group at TU Berlin as a postdoc. Since then, her research focus has been on electrocatalytic energy conversion reactions, which she investigates using a combination of electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques. 2007 she received a Liebig Scholarship from the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie and became an independent research group leader. In 2016 she was appointed professor for electrochemistry at TU Dresden. From 2011 to 2016 she was a project leader in the cluster of excellence UniCat. She is currently supporting the cluster of excellence UniSysCat as an external member in the field of surface-enhanced spectro-electrochemistry.