Maria Andrea Mroginski

Maria Andrea Mroginski

Professor Maria Andrea Mroginski studied physics at the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste in Argentina. As DAAD scholar, she performed her PhD simultaneously at the Max Planck Institute für Strahlenchemie (in Germany) under the guidance of Prof. Hildebrandt and Dr. Mark and at the University of the La Plata (Argentina) in the group of Dr. Della Vedova. The main focus in her Doctoral thesis was to investigate the Resonance Raman spectra of various compound via experimental and computational approaches. After a short Postdoc stage in Oerias Portugal, she became 2004 junior group leader at the TU Berlin and later, 2009, junior professor for molecular modelling at the same institution. 2015 she was finally appointed to a W2-professor position in biomolecular modelling at the TU Berlin.