Christian Rauch

Christian Rauch

  • 2020
  • Jury
  • Art & Science
  • 2020
  • Jury

Jury: Science in the Arts

Christian Rauch is founder and director at STATE, a Berlin-based gallery, exhibition laboratory and creative incubator that builds programs at the intersection of science, art and innovation in order to help co-create ideas for a sustainable future. Working with partners such as the United Nations, European Commission, Fraunhofer Society and Berlin University of the Arts, STATE is dedicated to stimulate exchange around relevant topics of cutting-edge research and facilitate creativity without borders. After graduating from TU Berlin, Christian received a PhD in Applied Physics researching on novel semiconductors as Marie-Curie Fellow at Aalto University, Helsinki. He is a visiting faculty member at the European Center for Executive Development (CECEP) and works with executives and change-makers to envision sustainable futures. Christian is active fellow of the Responsible Leaders network of the BMW Foundation, cultural consultant of the United Nations AI for Good Global Summit and ambassador for the US-based XPRIZE Foundation.