Abdulaziz  Alhegelan

Abdulaziz Alhegelan

  • 2020
  • Jury
  • Engage

Abdulaziz has a Bachelor of Science (2011) in Industrial engineering from King Saud University, Riyadh – Saudi Arabia. He has attended multiple executive education programs in 2016 in two of the most prestigious universities in the US (Finance & Accounting for the non-financial Managers at Wharton and Business Dynamics at MIT). In addition to “Leading Creative Transformation in Critical Times” by Stanford University in 2020. Abdulaziz joined Mishkat Interactive Musuem for Atomic & Renewable Energy back in 2013 as a maintenance engineer responsible for planning PMV and spare parts programs, in addition to being team leader to the AV systems and maintenance teams. Within less than three years, he has occupied several management roles that made him an expert in the field of science museums operation. During his work in Mishkat, he has managed several projects and conferences, including the development of a travelling exhibition for K.A.CARE ( Mishkat’s solo funder), and managing its participation in COP20-Lima, COP21-Paris and COP22-Marrakesh where he acted as the head of delegation during the operational period of  these three UN events. In Feb 2016, he got promoted to deputy executive director looking over all operation, logistics and budget control functions. After less than four years from his joining date and while he was still in his 20s, Abdulaziz was appointed as the Executive Director of Mishkat managing all its functions and making sure all objectives are achieved. Abdulaziz got elected in March 2017 as a BoD member at NAMES network (The North Africa & Middle East Science Centers Network) to help shaping the future of museums and science centers in the MENA region, and got elected as president of board a year after for a two years term. In addition to his role in Mishkat and NAMES, Abdulaziz works as Director of Museums & Visitor Attraction at National TalentS Co. and serves as a consultant and trainer for some educational and science/museum-oriented organization.