Presented by Meie van Laar   Studies show that inquiry-based learning and learning from experiences are the most powerful forms of learning. Children spend only 16% of their time awake in a school setting. Therefore, we need to invest in an approach in which applicability and accessibility of STEM is guaranteed and all pupils, regardless of cultural background, socio-economic situation, place of residence or educational level of parents, have the opportunity to develop their talents. This project ensures that all pupils, as an integral part of their development, can follow new learning opportunities and learning paths where they can always go one step further, in line with their current interest and level. Learning Where Curiosity is Sparked aims to stimulate STEM education for young people through tinkering by starting about learning ecosystems in local neighbourhoods and actively involve them in the variety of STEM-related topics. It encompasses schools, community settings such as after­school programs, science centres and museums, and informal experiences at home and in a variety of environments that together constitute a rich array of learning opportunities for young people. It harnesses the unique contributions of all these different settings in symbiosis to deliver science learning for all children. It offers an environment in which each child can choose their own learning path based on their own interest and gives them the opportunity to develop their talents.   More information about Meie van Laar, Head of Education and Research, NEMO Science Museum Meie van Laar is the Head of the Education and Research Department of NEMO Science Museum since 2018. Meie is a very experienced educational developer and project manager for both, national and European, projects. In 2015 she became Deputy Manager of the educational department and was responsible for the development and implementation of the educational programs and teaching materials for primary and secondary schools, events for primary or secondary school students or teachers. She conducted several professional development programs for teachers within NEMO. She is very experienced on the theme of gender, STEM, inquiry-based learning, the methodology of tinkering and making science education accessible to primary school teachers. Meie holds a Master of Science degrees in Biology and Education.