Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle

Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle

Charlotte Warakaulle has held a variety of posts at the United Nations and was a key focal point for relations between CERN and the UN Office at Geneva. Since 2001 Charlotte Warakaulle has held a variety of posts at the United Nations, from associate speechwriter to chief of the Political Affairs and Partnerships Section at the United Nations Office at Geneva. Most recently she held the position of chief of the United Nations Library in Geneva, where she was responsible for library services, knowledge management, cultural diplomacy and intellectual outreach. Prior to her work with the United Nations, Warakaulle held a Carlsberg Visiting Research Fellowship at Lucy Cavendish College at the University of Cambridge where she also served as editor-in-chief of the Cambridge Review of International Affairs. She gained her M.Phil in international relations at the University of Cambridge (Pembroke College) and holds an MA in history (cand.mag.) from the University of Copenhagen, as well as an MA in history (coursework) from the University of Sydney and a BA in history from the University of Copenhagen.