Sweelin Heuss

Sweelin Heuss

Sweelin Heuss is Managing Director of the Falling Walls Foundation since October 2019. Prior to her current position, she was executive director of Greenpeace Germany. In this role, she was a dedicated public voice for new climate policies in Germany, aimed at durable transition in the transport, agricultural and energy sectors. Before joining Greenpeace, she was responsible for communications and fundraising at one of the largest social foundations in Germany. Heuss began her career as a communications consultant at an international public relations agency, ultimately departing as the head of the company’s Hamburg office. She advised businesses and various institutions on themes such as ecological and social sustainability: Her focus points were the importance and implementation of corporate responsibility as well as the facilitation of international dialogue on global issues. Heuss was born in Hannover and studied German philology, history, and political science in Cologne.