Barbara Bulc

Barbara Bulc

Barbara Bulc is the Founder and President of Global Development (GD), a global collaboratory and consulting enterprise, to profoundly disrupt silos thinking and harness collective resources to cultivate urgent social and environmental systems change. She has been a driving force in building a new collaborative economy and multisectoral ventures to transform access to sustainable solutions in health, food, environmental and educational systems, with a vision to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Barbara is an Ambassador of Reboot the Future and the founder of Art4Actioninitiative bringing together art, science, policy and civic engagement for societal change. She has over 25 years of transformative leadership experience building new collaborative economy through business, diplomacy, youth engagement and culture in Europe, the U.S, Africa and Asia. Barbara studied chemistry at Ljubljana University, business at Columbia University, and new leadership at Cambridge University Judge Business School. She is currently pursuing Ph.D. in social sciences and lives in Geneva, Switzerland.