

Presented by John Lewis Nominated by University of Alberta   Nanostics has developed a novel blood test platform called Clarity DX Prostate to accurately diagnose and predict prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting men; about 1 in 7 men is diagnosed every year. To detect and monitor this cancer, most men have to undergo invasive, and potentially harmful, prostate biopsies. The Clarity DX Prostate test detects prostate cancer biomarkers in the patient’s blood sample using breakthrough nanotechnology and generates a disease-specific fingerprint score using machine learning analysis of the data.  Clinical data found that Nanostics’s platform test correctly identifies aggressive prostate cancer 40% more accurately than the standard PSA test. In addition to improving men’s diagnostic experiences and quality of life, Nanostics estimates that the Clarity DX Prostate test could eventually eliminate up to 600,000 unnecessary biopsies, 24,000 hospitalisations and up to 50% of unnecessary treatment in North America alone. The technology also offers significant cost savings – the blood test is expected to cost a few hundred dollars in comparison to around $2,000 for a biopsy.


John Lewis, Nanostics

Mara Simmonds, University of Alberta