

Presented by Andreas Regnery Nominated by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin   Belyntic has developed a novel technology for the purification of chemically synthesised peptides, offering new perspectives and enhanced efficiency in peptide manufacturing. Peptides are small proteins. They represent an important biochemical class that includes many regulators, inhibitors, and hormones. Chemically synthesised peptides are used in the pharmaceutical industry to create new and powerful drugs. For this purpose, clean substances are key, which is why fast and scalable purification solutions are required throughout the whole pharmaceutical value chain. Belyntic’s patent-pending purification technology makes parallel and broadly applicable peptide purification a reality. The concept can be described with a fishing analogy: the catch-and-release principle. A chemical capture molecule docks exclusively on the target peptide while unwanted contaminants are washed out. After the capture molecule has been separated, only the pure peptide remains. Belyntic’s technology is available in the form of purification kits of different sizes, obviating the need for costly instrumentation and accelerating the generation of pure peptides. Since no organic solvents are needed, the process represents a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to existing technologies.


Andreas Regnery, Belyntic

Volker Hofmann, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin