

Presented by Manuel Heckmann Nominated by next 47 – a Siemens company   Tackling the 1 billion electric vehicles charging industry, EcoG provides a customised fast charging experience through a platform as a service approach (PaaS) for value added services and shared revenue streams. The digital services EcoG offers aim at generating value beyond the pure charging process and thus change the revenue stream. While charging their vehicle, customers have to spend time at the charge point. This time can be used to provide additional services to the client and thus differentiate the service from other providers. This is where EcoG’s platform comes in, aiming at generating such value added service. The company is addressing manufacturers as well as operators of high performance chargers and site-owners on whose premises the chargers are installed.




Today software and management solutions for High Power Electric Vehicle Charging are a business model based on selling hardware with a software for a fixed price. EcoG is bringing a usage and revenue based business model for charging infrastructure. EcoG enables a services-based financing of the required software and hardware components over the lifetime of a charger with continuous updates. EcoG provides the interface and backbone to make the fast charging infrastructure attractive, helping to promote e-mobility and environmental protection as a result.