Nilüfer Göle

Nilüfer Göle

  • 2015
  • Speaker

Nilüfer Göle is a prominent Turkish scholar and a leading authority on the political movement of today's educated, urbanized, religious Muslim women. She works on Islamic visibility in European public spaces and the debates it engenders on religious and cultural difference. Her sociological approach aims to open up a new reading of modernity from a non-western perspective and a broader critique of Eurocentrism in the definitions of secular modernity. She has explored the specific topic of covering, as well as the complexities of living in a multicultural world. Through personal interviews, Gole has developed detailed case studies of young Turkish women who are turning to the tenets of fundamental Islamic gender codes. She is the author of Islam in Europe: The Lure of Fundamentalism and the Allure of Cosmopolitanism (2010) and The Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veiling (1997). She is member of the Executive Committee of the Istanbul Seminars, a Mercator-IPC senior fellow and the Director of the EuropeanPublicIslam project at the European Research Council. In May 2014 she was awarded France's most important decoration, the Légion d'Honneur. Göle is professor at EHESS.