Joseph Coughlin

Joseph Coughlin

  • 2014
  • Speaker

Joseph Coughlin is director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology AgeLab. His research explores how global aging, technology and consumer behavior drive innovations in business and government. He also teaches policy and planning in MIT's Department of Urban Studies and Planning and its Engineering Systems Division. Coughlin was named one of Fast Company's "100 Most Creative People in Business," one of the Wall Street Journal's "12 Pioneers Inventing the Future of Retirement" and a Money magazine "Game Changer." He has advised numerous corporations as well as the World Economic Forum. With Lisa D'Ambrosio, Coughlin edited the recently published "Aging America and Transportation: Personal Choices and Public Policy." He writes the "Disruptive Demographics" blog on Before MIT, he was with EG&G, a Fortune 1000 science and technology company. Coughlin holds a B.A., A.M. and Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Oswego, Brown University and Boston University, respectively.